‘Neil guides us on a trip through life’s emotions and illustrates the gift of love available to each of us when we open and surrender in our worst fears and realise the gift therein. Read this and be inspired’ Brandon Bays, Bestselling Author of The Journey
‘A beautiful allegory for our times of the seasons of our lives, of re-empowerment, and what it really means to be alive. This is a story to share with those you love’ Jonathan Horwitz, Director of the Scandinavian Centre for Shamanic Studies
A beautiful and inspiring novel in the spirit of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Khalil Gibran, Paulo Coelho and Richard Bach
This is a book of transformation and of opening into love. It is written with a simplicity, beauty and pace that will take you too into the felt mystery in the heart of the desert. While it is written for adults it is also enjoyed by many younger people.
On the surface this is the story of a boy growing into adulthood and through life, his journeys into the desert and what he finds there. Beneath the surface the story expresses the essential nature of the journey we all share – a journey that has no beginning and no end. A journey that is, in truth, not a journey at all
The Flower in the Desert is successful in the UK, USA and in Italy, where as well as selling well to adults it was chosen as a sixth form school reader in the Belluno district in the north of the country
‘This book is astounding! I could not put it down, it is simply so pure and beautiful and heart opening!’ Cate Mackenzie, Workshop Leader, Inspirational Speaker
‘Beautifully enriching and glittering….soul awakening’ Jimena Page, President of the ABC Trust
‘Beautifully written directly from the heart of Neil del Strother. I read it on a flight from China to London and it was perfect, however I got a little emotional because the story touched me like no other book I’ve ever read’ Jennifer Jackson, Amazon
Neil has worked as a journalist for twenty years and a Journey Practitioner for seventeen. He has a Masters in Journalism and a Dip Psych. He is also a podcast host and has some experience of shamanism, including taking part in healing ceremonies with the Bushmen in Botswana. He has written seven novels to date. For more information and to buy these books please click on the titles below:
The Flower in the Desert
Visit Neil’s Amazon page
The Flower in the Desert is also available in French, Italian and German
Also on Audible
The Girl with a Deer on a Lead
For My Child
Aurora Arising
My Death and Other Dreams of Life
The Movement of the Ocean
The Land that Heals
The Splendidly Illuminating Lament of the Last Icebird
This Exploring Possibilities interview will give you some insight into my approach to writing and my understandings. The interview itself starts about three minutes in.
Please visit my author Facebook page and if you feel moved to do go ahead and ‘like’ it. Every little helps. Thank you

The Flower in the Desert is published in Italy by Overview Editore; translated by Luigina Malvestio. ISBN 978-88-904960-4-2